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Annie's top 5 nutrition memes of 2013
Part the fascination (and frustration) with food and nutrition is that it’s always changing. But if you look around, so is our world. As someone with a foot in both worlds (biochemical and spirit-integrative) it’s a fascinating time of convergence. The overarching theme of the year, nutritionally, is that our personal choices have global impact.
Here are my top five nutrition memes for the year that was
Access your witness – exercise
Access your witness by developing an ability to not react but pause, relax and breathe so that you can align a response from a deeper more intentional level.
Before You Set Intention Practice Letting Go
Letting go, forgiving, releasing the past is a universal practice of clearing that sets us up to have space to let in the new. The process involves thinking back to the emotionally charged events of the year – both the highs and the lows- and digesting them by describing them to others and thinking about how these events guide your path.
Thanksgiving Thrive post
Here is my recent post from Thrive, the Kripalu blog. It’s on the importance of the side dishes in helping to serve all the nutritional needs of the hearts and mouths you may be feeding this year.
Praise Pam Montgomery – Plant Spirit Healing
Pam’s approach draws from shamanic wisdom (though she’s quick to point out that she is not a shaman). She has developed a method of accessing the energy and spirit of plants for personal and universal healing. It’s forming a personal relationship with plants. Then if used therapeutically, the healer channels the plant energy that performs the healing.
Praise Martha Rose Shulman
Martha Rose Shulman is in the zone. She’s been there for a long time.
Air pollution linked to birth weight
If you need further evidence that environmental toxicity has serious health consequences, the NYTimes reported last weekend on a study that linked high levels of air pollution with lower birth weight babies.
Food mood connection
Here's my post on the food-mood connection on the Kripalu blog, thrive.
Scientific 7-minute workout
The scientific 7-minute workout is a collection of 12 exercises that you do at top intensity for 30 seconds each, with a 30 second rest in between. It was developed from the latest science on the benefit of interval training. It is not a pleasant 7 minutes, but it is after-all less then 10 minutes out of my day. Even I have time for that.
Opposites attract – local food made with love
Sometime the worst (Twinkles? Lean Cuisine? Diet Coke? BPA?) are the energetic impetus or precursor for the best (home made sauerkraut made with love by a sweet local gal). I wonder if it had to get this bad to make space for something this good. It’s energy. Opposites do attract. Get to your local farmer’s market! It about more than fresh greens.
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