Read What’s New in How to…
What is Medical Nutrition Therapy? Real Food As Medicine
We are in the era of the nutritionist. There is so much confusion around food and nutrition, and so much wacky advice flying around. This while Americans are just not able to make it to the basics...
Potato Cauliflower Mash Recipe
Potato head? Me too.Here is a simple recipe using both spring red potatoes and plenty of cauliflower, along with water-browned onions.
Navigate the Fall Transition
Be Still. After Labor Day, things swirl a little faster, everyone's at their desk type type typing away, and off we go. Fall. It's back to school, back to work. I love Fall - the color in nature...
Spicy Corn and Black Bean Soup Recipe
Love black bean soup, and this recipe loves me (and you) too with nutrient dense vegetables, lime, nutmeg, pepper and chili for a touch of heat. And of course black beans, a fiber-protein power combo. This recipe made a flavorful thick soup perfect for a snowy day.
How Mindful Presence Transforms
This month, I'm launching a telehealth private practice. Very exciting. You can now work with me individually online. I'm beginning with Tuesday and Thursday afternoon/evenings for privates and...
Ashwagandha Sesame Oil
Ashwagandha is a root used in a number of Ayurvedic preparations. It’s a little famous for its aphrodisiac properties, but it is also calming and strengthening (ashwagandha means horse-smell in Sanskrit, after the musky scent of the root itself). Vata-pacifying, it is great for both my husband and I as we enter our hopefully wise Vata years of life.
Low Carb – Healthy or Not Healthy?
Bread. Chewy crusty bread dipped in a fantastic olive oil and a bit of sea salt. Nutritional friend or foe? Giving up bread, potatoes, pasta, and even beans because they are carbohydrate-rich foods...
Hail Tulsi – Green Mahadevi
My garden right now is filled with the sweet green goddess known as tulsi. Tulsi is a type of basil that originated in India. There are several types, like sisters in a family. If you 'do yoga',...
Do You Integrate? Integration is…Everything
There is much talk of integrative health these days. We're all happy when we have an integrative physician. So just what is integrative health? What is integration? Integrative Health The National...
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
Elderberry is a folk medicine immune supporter, and even today you can find it in commercial cough syrup and lozenges. Here is a rich delicious fresh elderberry syrup.
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